I don't find these arguments from women convincing at all. In fact I find them a hypocritical, entitled, and (sorry) a little creepy even. That is just me but maybe we can view this debate as communication. For women (and men) who think this is a good idea there might be some effects they are not considering. By insisting men pay 100% all the time in courtship you are setting up some dynamics:
1) Big strong macho provider man and a feminine woman.
2) A princess that wants everything her way and a man has to be her servant.
I don't really like either of those dynamics. I prefer:
3) We are both independent mature single adults and paying for dinner etc is no big deal. I'm an independent individual and I don't expect others to pay for me. Lets get to know each other and have fun.
If both parties are happy with 1 or 2 I guess go for it.
But if you want 3 but you as a man or a woman start the relationship off like you think 1 or 2 is a good idea you are going to discourage partners who are looking for 3.