I think I see part of the problem. You are taking Russian propagandists words as truth without the slightest bit of critical thought. These guys have been claiming the Ukrainian armed forces have been completely wiped out every day since the literal first few days of the war. I'm sure the Ukrainians lost lots of men and equipment in Bakhmut but claiming the Russians didn't is just silly. Think about it. The Russians were sending attacks against entrenched troops in an urban environment. The losses must have been staggering on their side. They clawed their way through street by street. Their losses were logically much higher than the Ukrainians but in a war of attrition maybe it was worth it to them as they may feel long term they will win. Again, think about it. If the Ukrainian army was wiped out in Bakhmut and they never laid a glove on Russia why aren't we seeing a Russian offensive crushing the remaining Ukrainians now? And if we do see a Ukrainian offensive then will you all admit you were wrong? Likely not as the same people said Kherson would never be retaken a couple days before it was and then claimed it was a strategic retreat and on and on.