We did detente 30 years, Russia rejected detente for violence. How and why do you think pipelines were built and whole economies built on paying Russia for energy and materials? Detente. Why do you think the world's biggest events like the World Cup were held in Russia? Detente. Why do you think everyone looked the other way as Russian society slipped into fascism? Detente. Why do you think regular Russians were traveling and working all over the world and Russian billionaires were allowed to buy up famous assets in the West? Detente. There already was a state of detente but Russian elites couldn't accept being a " normal" country with the economy the size of Canada or Italy. They had to throw their weight around like a superpower to prop up their massive ego. Russia killed detente and we are all paying the consequences of Russia's bad choices including Russians. If Russians want detente the first basic thing they could do is withdraw their armies and killing machines to their own borders. Is that too much to ask for detente?